Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sexercize Sneak Peek!

Chandelier commissioned Jean-Paul Gaultier to make an animation with Matt Maitland, asked the artist Reilly to design animated GIFs of Dolce & Gabbana looks, and put together a film with National Geographic spotlighting animal mating rituals. The question they asked each collaborator, who also included illustrator Hattie Stewart and platform VFiles, was this: “How do you sexercize?” The answers will be revealed in all their glory tomorrow, but until then, let Kylie herself give her two cents: “It is racy but above all fun, and can 'be' whatever you want it to be,” she says. “If you're old enough to be a VHS generation kid, you will probably manifest your own workout video in your head after one listen—lycra is optional!”

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